
Human Rights: Geoffrey West The surprising math of cities and corporations

Animal Rights: Animal Defense League

Business: Swarajya

Education: MIT Open Courseware -Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Environment: A startup says its begun releasing particles in the atmosphere in an effort to tweak the climate MIT Technology Review

Food: Energy Bars with Blended Fruit & Nuts

Health: Dr. Ornish at Sharecare

Math: Riemann zeta function - Wikipedia

Misc: - What does the internet think

Radio: NPR Music Radio

Recipes: The Post Punk Kitchen

Shopping: Vegan Handbags

Travel: Samosa House -vegan restaurant

Vegetarian: ADAPPT



Teach Kind

Teaching Compassion

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation

Kindness in the Classroom

Safe Kids

Mercy Ships - International Hospital Ships

Human Rights
Voices for Creative Nonviolence    [archive]
Anarchist Black Cross Federation -political prisoners    [archive]
OMCT - World Organisation Against Torture    [archive]
Globalvision    [archive]
Council for a Livable World   [archive]

Human Rights - Philippines
Visiting Forces Agreement bt the United States and the Philippines    [archive]
Human Rights Watch - World Report 2012 Philippines    [archive]
Resolution on human rights in the Philippines    [archive]
Karapatan    [archive]
Resolution on the importance of continuing the land reform in the Philippines   [archive]

Victims of forced disappearances.
Busca Personas    [archive]
Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances    [archive]
Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons    [archive]
Muestra de Arte sobre las Desapariciones    [archive]
KontraS - The Commission for the Disappeared and Victims of Violence   [archive]

The Peace Alliance

Ban Landmines

Veterans for Peace

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