
"In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule."

Friedrich Nietzsche, (1844-1900)

Documenting Hate: New American Nazis (full documentary) - FRONTLINE

The Story of Fascism in Europe
Nrnberg Rallies The Stage for Hitler's Propaganda Rick Steves Classroom Europe    [archive]
The Story of Fascism in Europe TV Special Rick Steves' Europe    [archive]
Rick Steves' The Story of Fascism - YouTube    [archive]
Germany's Nazi Fascist History - Video - Rick Steves' Europe    [archive]
The Defeat of Fascism in 1945 Rick Steves Classroom Europe   [archive]

Mussolini - Father of Fascism Documentary

Arnold Schwarzenegger has a powerful message for those who have gone down a path of hate.

Biden in speech warns Trump and his closest followers are trying to undermine American democracy - CNNPolitics    [archive]
I Survived the Warsaw Ghetto. Here Are the Lessons I'd Like to Pass On.    [archive]
Kanye West Reddit Page Now a Platform for Taylor Swift Appreciation - Variety    [archive]
American Experience Nazi Town USA Season 36 Episode 1 PBS    [archive]
Bombing Suspects Arrested Three Suspected In Spokane Valley Robberies, Terrorism The Spokesman-Review    [archive]
Umberto Eco Makes a List of the 14 Common Features of Fascism Open Culture    [archive]
Anonymous Claims It Hacked Everything From Nazis' Favorite Web Host    [archive]
DeSantis faces a potential lawsuit over ban of African American studies course NPR    [archive]
MAGA Cultists Struggle to Explain Why GOP Crimes Should Be Pardoned But Joe Biden Should Be Hung    [archive]
Parler forced to explain 'free speech' to angry users   [archive]

Right-wing populists and the EU - DW Documentary

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak for me."

Martin Niemoller

Militias in America Pt. 2 Boogaloo Boys - YouTube

Civil War After Donald Trump Win May Be Worth It Evangelical Preacher    [archive]
William Wolfe Says We Are Getting Close to Christians Taking Up Arms    [archive]
He was a church official who criticized Trump He says Christianity is in crisis NPR    [archive]
Deranged Ten Commandments Law Is Already Spawning Copycats    [archive]
God Country Official Trailer Oscilloscope Laboratories HD YouTube   [archive]

God & Country - Official Trailer - Oscilloscope Laboratories HD

"The pull of fascist politics is powerful. It simplifies human existence, gives us an object, a "them" whose supposed laziness highlights our own virtue and discipline, encourages us to identify with a forceful leader who helps us make sense of the world, whose bluntness regarding the "undeserving" people in the world is refreshing."

Jason Stanley, How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them

The Secret Diary Of The Holocaust (WW2 Documentary) History Documentary Reel Truth History - YouTube

Letter suggests Pope Pius XII knew of mass gassings of Jews and Poles in 1942 Catholicism The Guardian    [archive]
The Shoes on the Danube Promenade Commemoration of the Tragedy    [archive]
Tattoos and Numbers The System of Identifying Prisoners at Auschwitz Holocaust Encyclopedia    [archive]
About The U.S. and the Holocaust Ken Burns PBS    [archive]
Writing the News Holocaust Encyclopedia   [archive]

"Censorship and the suppression of reading materials are rarely about family values and almost always about controlabout who is snapping the whip, who is saying no, and who is saying go. Censorship's bottom line is this: if the novel Christine offends me, I don't want just to make sure it's kept from my kid; I want to make sure it's kept from your kid, as well, and all the kids. This bit of intellectual arrogance, undemocratic and as old as time, is best expressed this way: If it's bad for me and my family, it's bad for everyone's family. Yet when books are run out of school classrooms and even out of school libraries as a result of this idea, I'm never much disturbed not as a citizen, not as a writer, not even as a schoolteacher ... which I used to be. What I tell kids is, Don't get mad, get even. Don't spend time waving signs or carrying petitions around the neighborhood. Instead, run, don't walk, to the nearest nonschool library or to the local bookstore and get whatever it was that they banned. Read whatever they're trying to keep out of your eyes and your brain, because that's exactly what you need to know."

Stephen King

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