
Vivisection, viv'i-sek'shan, n. [< L. vivus, alive, and sectio, sectionis, a cutting.] The dissection of, or otherwise experimenting on, a living animal, esp. for the purpose of ascertaining or demonstrating some fact in physiology or pathology. -Websters Dictionary

"As a scientist, I am of the opinion that animal experiments bring no progress in the diagnosis and therapy of epilepsies. I have a well-founded suspicion that similar facts apply in other areas of medicine."

Dr. Med. Bernhard Rambeck, since 1975 director of the Biochemistry Department of the Society for Epilepsy Research in Bielefeld-Bethel, West Germany. From his speech at International Symposium of April 25, 1987, Zurich

"It is inexcusable for scientists to torture animals; let them make their experiments on journalists and politicians."

Henrik Ibsen

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