
Vivisection, viv'i-sek'shan, n. [< L. vivus, alive, and sectio, sectionis, a cutting.] The dissection of, or otherwise experimenting on, a living animal, esp. for the purpose of ascertaining or demonstrating some fact in physiology or pathology. -Websters Dictionary

"...Moreover, the tests deceive the very consumers whom they are supposed to protect, by certifying as safe household products and cosmetics that cause nearly 200,000 (U.S.) hospital-recorded poisonous exposures annually."

Paula Kislak, D.V.M., Sherman Oaks, California, PCRM. - Declaration, 1988.

"There will come a time when the world will look back to modern vivisection in the name of Science, as they do now to burning at the stake in the name of religion."

Henry J. Bigelow

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