
Vivisection, viv'i-sek'shan, n. [< L. vivus, alive, and sectio, sectionis, a cutting.] The dissection of, or otherwise experimenting on, a living animal, esp. for the purpose of ascertaining or demonstrating some fact in physiology or pathology. -Websters Dictionary

"It is not possible to apply to the human species experimental information derived from inducing cancer in animals."

Dr. Kenneth Starr, of the New South Wales Cancer Council, reported in the Sydney Morning Herald, April 7, 1960

"I am not interested to know whether vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't... The pain which it inflicts upon unconsenting animals is the basis of my enmity toward it, and it is to me sufficient justification of the enmity without looking further."

Mark Twain (1835-1910), author, lecturer, satirist and humorist

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